Come and Join Us
We would like to welcome you to our very friendly group of artists and people who love art.
We get together at 7pm on certain Tuesday evenings of the month for various activities at AMRA (name on building), 48 Barry Avenue, Mortdale. And also at 1pm on each Thursday, during school terms, for painting together at Sylvania Heights Community and Youth Club Hall, 288 Box road, Sylvania Heights.
Our outdoor (“en plein air”) painters meet from time to time with Robyn Reid at various locations.
Other activities can include (as opportunity arises and imagination dictates) painting weekends, Sunday Workshops, visits to art galleries, and barbecues and suchlike activities.
VISIT US: If you would like to come and visit us on any Tuesday or Thursday we will make you very welcome. We hope you will like what you see and perhaps even join us.
WHAT DOES IT COST TO JOIN? Our annual subscription is $25 for a calendar year with emailed newsletter or $30 with posted newsletter. As a member you will be entitled to …..
- participate in our weekly art activities (we make a charge to cover hall rent and supper or afternoon tea)
- monthly newsletter emailed to you, or posted to your home
- a link to your own website
- social activities as advertised
- Critique on first Tuesday night each month at 7pm – $5 for members, $10 visitors
- Tutorial or Demonstration (alternating months) on third Tuesday night at 7pm – $10 members, $15 visitors
- Members’ discount on our all day weekend Workshops
FURTHER INFORMATION: We would love to have a friendly chat with you about our people and our activities. We will send you an application form if you ring our President Noel Carrigg on 0409 840 005. Or, download the membership form from this website.